Trustees' Sale: 152 Unit Apartment Complex known as Elsinore Courtyard Apartments with 156 Parking Spaces in the Marshall Heights Neighborhood of SE Washington, DC
5109 & 5117 C St., SE, 5108-5112 Call Pl., SE, 5330 E St., SE, 5311-23 and 5312-5316 E St., SE
Pre-Bid Conference: A pre-Bid conference will be held promptly at 10:30 AM on Tuesday, August 14, 2012 at the DC Housing Finance Agency, Auditorium, 815 Florida Avenue, NW, Washington D.C 20001. Questions regarding the RFB will be answered at the conference.
The Substitute Trustees will, as a condition of the sale, require all potential bidders except the Noteholder to (i) show their deposit before any bidding begins, and (ii) provide a written bid package, which includes prior HUD approval, completed to the sole satisfaction of the Substitute Trustee. The bid package can be obtained from the Substitute Trustees by clicking on the link noted below under "Downloadable Information." In addition to bids received from qualified bidders present at the auction, the Substitute Trustees will accept written one-price bids received by the Auctioneer via U.S. first class mail prior to 5:00 PM September11, 2012, and hand delivery or courier prior to 1:00 PM September 12, 2012 at 5301 Wisconsin Ave., NW #750, Washington, DC, provided that any written one-price bid must contain both a deposit and a bid package, each acceptable to the Substitute Trustees in their sole discretion.Location:
The Elsinore Apartment Complex is located in Marshall Heights (also known as Glendale), a residential neighborhood in Southeast Washington, D.C.
Required Bidding Package: For a complete copy of the Request For Bids, which contains the requirements for the bid package that must be completed to be qualified as a bidder, please click on the link below and email the completed form to She will then email you a link to the complete Request For Bids.
• Click here for a copy of the Confidentiality Agreement/Info Request (including financials)
Questions & Answers:(This list of questions will be added to weekly as questions arise) Q. WHO IS CURRENTLY MANAGING THE PROPERTY? WILL PROPERTY BE DELIVERED FREE AND CLEAR OF A MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT?
A. Neighborhood Partners, a subsidiary of the Telesis Group. The management agreement is between the current owner and manager and will not survive the foreclosure sale.Q. Are members or affiliates of the current owner allowed to bid for the property?A. Yes, but the member’s and affiliates must obtain 2530 clearance per the RFB requirements.Q. Is a current rent roll available?A. Date and time of project records availability for viewing will be provided on this website by August 13th .Q. Are 2011 or YTD 2012 Income and expense reports available?A. Date and time of project records availability for viewing will be provided on this website by August 13th Q. Will Q&A’s from the conference be published, and if so, can they be distributed to me?A. No, but all questions submitted to the email will be posted to the website.Q. We have prepared the required HUD Form 2530. Is there any particular person, office etc. we should send it to? Is there any special referencing, notations etc. required? I have scanned the first page for your review. I am not sure if we were supposed to list the "Assisted Housing Services Corporation" in box 1. We got that name and address from the 2009 contract . Any advice you could provide would be helpful.A. Please review carefully the guidance provided in the RFB on page 3 & 4, Section 4.2 Qualifications. In box 1. of the HUD 2530 enter your HUD Field Office and name of city where the office is located.Q. How many Housing Assistance Payment (Section 8) Voucher residents live on the property currently?A. Currently, there are sixteen (16) Housing Assistance Payment Voucher residents. This is separate from the twelve (12) units with the HUD PBCA contract. Q. Will the 2010 and or year to date 2011 operating financial reports be listed on the website for bidders to view but not download?
A. Additional property level financial data will be available from Alex Cooper by completing the Request for Bid Package and Confidentiality Agreement and returning the form to Alex Cooper. Individuals who have already completed the Request for Bid package will need to submit this new form for access to this property level financial information. This is the only property level financial information that will be shared in conjunction with the sale, and any information not included will not be disclosed prior to the sale.
Q. Will the foreclosure process remove the affordable housing use restrictions from the Washington DC DHCD soft loan awarded in 2003?
A. The project loan documents that describe the affordable housing restrictions are recorded and available for additional due diligence at the District of Columbia (DC) Office Recorder of Deeds, 1101 4th Street, SW, 5th Floor, Washington DC 20024, (202) 727-5374,
Q. In what month and year were the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) 8609 forms issued?
A. The 8609 forms were issued by District of Columbia Housing and Community Development (DHCD), and additional information should be obtained from DHCD.
Q. How much LIHTC equity, if any, remains to be invested into the project?
A. The project’s LIHTC equity, if any is unknown at this time.
The Substitute Trustees will, as a condition of the sale, require all potential bidders except the Noteholder to (i) show their deposit before any bidding begins, and (ii) provide a written bid package, which includes prior HUD approval, completed to the sole satisfaction of the Substitute Trustee. The bid package can be obtained from the Substitute Trustees by clicking on the link noted below under "Downloadable Information." In addition to bids received from qualified bidders present at the auction, the Substitute Trustees will accept written one-price bids received by the Auctioneer via U.S. first class mail prior to 5:00 PM September11, 2012, and hand delivery or courier prior to 1:00 PM September 12, 2012 at 5301 Wisconsin Ave., NW #750, Washington, DC, provided that any written one-price bid must contain both a deposit and a bid package, each acceptable to the Substitute Trustees in their sole discretion.Location:
The Elsinore Apartment Complex is located in Marshall Heights (also known as Glendale), a residential neighborhood in Southeast Washington, D.C.
Required Bidding Package: For a complete copy of the Request For Bids, which contains the requirements for the bid package that must be completed to be qualified as a bidder, please click on the link below and email the completed form to She will then email you a link to the complete Request For Bids.
• Click here for a copy of the Confidentiality Agreement/Info Request (including financials)
Questions & Answers:(This list of questions will be added to weekly as questions arise) Q. WHO IS CURRENTLY MANAGING THE PROPERTY? WILL PROPERTY BE DELIVERED FREE AND CLEAR OF A MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT?
A. Neighborhood Partners, a subsidiary of the Telesis Group. The management agreement is between the current owner and manager and will not survive the foreclosure sale.Q. Are members or affiliates of the current owner allowed to bid for the property?A. Yes, but the member’s and affiliates must obtain 2530 clearance per the RFB requirements.Q. Is a current rent roll available?A. Date and time of project records availability for viewing will be provided on this website by August 13th .Q. Are 2011 or YTD 2012 Income and expense reports available?A. Date and time of project records availability for viewing will be provided on this website by August 13th Q. Will Q&A’s from the conference be published, and if so, can they be distributed to me?A. No, but all questions submitted to the email will be posted to the website.Q. We have prepared the required HUD Form 2530. Is there any particular person, office etc. we should send it to? Is there any special referencing, notations etc. required? I have scanned the first page for your review. I am not sure if we were supposed to list the "Assisted Housing Services Corporation" in box 1. We got that name and address from the 2009 contract . Any advice you could provide would be helpful.A. Please review carefully the guidance provided in the RFB on page 3 & 4, Section 4.2 Qualifications. In box 1. of the HUD 2530 enter your HUD Field Office and name of city where the office is located.Q. How many Housing Assistance Payment (Section 8) Voucher residents live on the property currently?A. Currently, there are sixteen (16) Housing Assistance Payment Voucher residents. This is separate from the twelve (12) units with the HUD PBCA contract. Q. Will the 2010 and or year to date 2011 operating financial reports be listed on the website for bidders to view but not download?
A. Additional property level financial data will be available from Alex Cooper by completing the Request for Bid Package and Confidentiality Agreement and returning the form to Alex Cooper. Individuals who have already completed the Request for Bid package will need to submit this new form for access to this property level financial information. This is the only property level financial information that will be shared in conjunction with the sale, and any information not included will not be disclosed prior to the sale.
Q. Will the foreclosure process remove the affordable housing use restrictions from the Washington DC DHCD soft loan awarded in 2003?
A. The project loan documents that describe the affordable housing restrictions are recorded and available for additional due diligence at the District of Columbia (DC) Office Recorder of Deeds, 1101 4th Street, SW, 5th Floor, Washington DC 20024, (202) 727-5374,
Q. In what month and year were the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) 8609 forms issued?
A. The 8609 forms were issued by District of Columbia Housing and Community Development (DHCD), and additional information should be obtained from DHCD.
Q. How much LIHTC equity, if any, remains to be invested into the project?
A. The project’s LIHTC equity, if any is unknown at this time.
September 12, 2012 1pm EDT
Auction to be held on premises
Sold Price